Lithium-Ion Battery Routine Maintenance and Care for TI Graphing Calculators
Lithium-ion batteries have a limited life, which is affected by several factors: environment, storage, the number of charge/discharge cycles, and level of discharge/charge.
To extend battery lifespan and battery life, we recommend following these simple guidelines:
- Avoid heat and humidity:
- Batteries are designed to operate optimally at room temperature.
- Heat can reduce lithium-ion battery life.
- High humidity environments should be avoided.
- Keeping handhelds/graphing calculators in a cool, dry place as close to room temperature as possible is ideal.
- Usage and Charging:
- As lithium-ion batteries age, they lose capacity. When properly maintained and under normal usage, batteries are expected to last about 3 years.
- If you use the handheld/graphing calculator regularly, recharge the battery often. Avoid waiting until it is fully discharged.
- If you do not use the handheld/graphing calculator regularly, fully recharge the battery at least once per month.
- Do not leave the handheld/graphing calculator connected to a charging device for longer than 3 days.
- Use only rechargeable lithium-ion batteries approved for the handheld/graphing calculator.
- Use only charging devices approved for the handheld/graphing calculator.
- Charge the handheld/graphing calculator fully before tests.
- Recommendations for storing handhelds/graphing calculators with lithium-ion batteries for 3 months or longer:
- The best temperature for proper care and storage of lithium-ion batteries is between 0–25° C/32–~77°F.
- Extended storage can cause batteries to discharge deeply, which can deteriorate the lithium-ion cell and reduce battery capacity, service life and ability to recharge. It is suggested, therefore, that the battery be fully charged before putting the handheld in extended storage and that it be recharged fully every three months while in storage.
- Users who experience problems charging handhelds/graphing calculators may contact a TI Customer Service Representative at 1-800-TI-CARES for help resolving problems.
- Update Handheld Operating System as new updates become available:
- Update the handheld/graphing calculator OS as new releases become available. OS updates may contain new programs to optimize battery life.
- Instructions for replacing a TI Rechargeable Battery in a TI-Nspire™ handheld can be found on page 80 in the TI-Nspire™ Getting Started Guide.