Instructional Practices
Model CCSS, STEM or TEKS tasks to enhance student learning through indepth discussions, reflective practices and essential technology skills.
TI has aligned its offerings to help teachers rise to the challenge of a shifting educational landscape with emphasis on three key areas of focus.
TI Technology Consultants are available to help you with your professional development needs.
Model CCSS, STEM or TEKS tasks to enhance student learning through indepth discussions, reflective practices and essential technology skills.
Address critical, tough-to-teach topics and new standards in middle grades and high school math.
Acquire subject-and content-focused skills that guide appropriate use of TI technology in the math or science classroom.
A systemic professional development program focused on improving algebra readiness at your school. The program includes Workshops, Coaching, lesson planning and implementation support to promote student understanding of middle school math through Algebra I.
This customized, onsite professional learning program enables you to design an ongoing in-school professional learning program that incorporates T3 Workshops, Coaching and customized webinars.
Choose from over 40 on-site workshop topics to help you and your educators enhance skills that meet new and emerging math and science standards. One-, two-, and three-day options allow for flexibility to meet your professional development needs.
Our coaching provides individualized in-classroom support, mentoring and skill development for math and science teachers. Mentoring takes place via classroom visits, phone, and online engagement.
This program provides educators in-depth technology, pedagogy, and leadership training over an extended period of time. Successful TLC participants will be able to mentor others and support ongoing professional development plans within your district.